Our nation has experienced mass school shootings which have resulted in a deep divide amongst our nation’s citizens concerning gun control. Some families have experienced long lasting devastation which has resulted in cries of “This has to stop.” and “Do something to help us.” These voices resonate throughout the land yet, no viable solution which incorporates compromise has surfaced.
Pens UP! Guns down is that solution. The overarching theme for the program is to restore good order and foster skills which equip our young to choose “Education over Violence.” We intend to achieve this end by providing principles and resources which promote health and wellbeing for all children – physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.
We recognize that there are differing viewpoints concerning the Second Amendment and understand why those viewpoints exist, but the Second Amendment is not our focus. Our focus is to help people understand that applying a potentially permanent fix to a temporary situation is not the most prudent choice. We also help those we serve strive for resiliency while working through challenges.
Team America and all concerned - We need You!
Pens UP! Guns down is that solution. The overarching theme for the program is to restore good order and foster skills which equip our young to choose “Education over Violence.” We intend to achieve this end by providing principles and resources which promote health and wellbeing for all children – physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.
We recognize that there are differing viewpoints concerning the Second Amendment and understand why those viewpoints exist, but the Second Amendment is not our focus. Our focus is to help people understand that applying a potentially permanent fix to a temporary situation is not the most prudent choice. We also help those we serve strive for resiliency while working through challenges.
Team America and all concerned - We need You!
Richard T. Edwards
Pens UP! Guns Down. President Armed Forces Veteran |
Sandra L. Edwards, PhD
Pens UP! Guns Down. Vice President Retired Armed Forces Veteran |
The Message is Simple. "Education over Violence." (EoV)
News footage highlighting general goals of Pens UP! Guns Down.